Dae Wood
(David Yarrow Wood)
Dae at the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, 2017.
Dae Wood (they/them),
also known as David Yarrow Wood, has practiced Evolutionary Astrology for over 12 years, as well as formally studied past life regression, meditation, yoga, energy healing, and a variety of spiritual arts and disciplines.
Dae’s astrological path comes out of the Evolutionary Astrology framework of Jeffrey Wolf Green (or the “Pluto School”), which is based on the understanding that we are all souls on an immense journey home. The planetary sky is not seen as some outside force on our lives but an intrinsic part of our own being. Our charts are viewed not as some fated existence but a reflection of all that we are working with in this lifetime.
Dae’s original immersion into Evolutionary Astrology with teacher Ari Moshe Wolfe, coupled with reading the works of Ram Dass on the nature of the soul, helped Dae anchor themself in a sense of peace and trust that has been invaluable in navigating all that life has brought over the years.
Spiritual practice is incomplete without engaged compassion, and Dae stands with all movements for social justice and equity. Dae is an ally and non-binary member of the LGBTQIA community.
Dae is also a writer, teacher, poet and musician. Dae presently lives with their family outside Boulder, Colorado near the majestic Rocky Mountains.